Maternal–fetal medicine, also known as perinatology, is a branch of medicine that focuses on managing health concerns of the mother and fetus prior to, during, and shortly after pregnancy. Maternal–fetal medicine specialists are physicians who subspecialize
within the field of obstetrics.
Fetal medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with Diagnosis & treatment of the unborn fetus, where the baby has or is at risk of life threatening or disabling disease.It includes the assessment of fetal growth
and wellbeing, the maintenance of fetal health and the diagnosis and treatment of fetal illnesses and abnormalities.As prenatal diagnosis has improved with better ultrasound machines, & our malformation diagnosis
& understanding has improved a lot with that. With increasing conception rate & decreasing no of offspring to a mother Fetus has become acquired & attracted a status of “unborn patient.”Fetal medicine is a relatively
new specialty where the consultant is powerful in sonography of the fetus & sonography guided invasive procedures, embryology & genetics. They often requires the expertise and input from various specialists,
including obstetricians, prinatologists (also called maternal-fetal medicine specialists), neonatologists, pediatric cardiologists, pediatric surgical specialists, geneticists and others.
The benefits of foetal medicine include, Screening for genetic/ chromosomal defects. Providing reassurance and reducing anxiety especially among high-risk groups. Prediction and prevention of preterm birth/ foetal
growth restriction and problems of multiple pregnancies.